El Tubi Tubi

You know the expression “mother knows best” as much as I hate to admit it, it has echoed and repeated (loudly in my head) many times, beauty routines included.[huge_it_slider id=”3″]

Growing up, my mom would warn me against the hot tools I used and abused my naturally curly hair with ev-ery sin-gle DAY! She passed along this little Panamanian secret so I could still achieve the straight hair I longed for without totally frying my hair.

*Disclaimer: there were no Dove commercials celebrating curly locks in 2001, unfortunately so I hated my curly hair and I can relate to Chris Rock’s Good Hair more than you would think. (creamy crack victim right here!). I’ve been blow drying and straightening my hair since I was 12-ish, ish because I’m embarrassed to say any younger, and I’ve literally tried every method under the sun. This method has been the most natural and healthy way I have been able to straighten these locks. To be honest, I sometimes forget how amazing it is! But I’m here to share with you this Panamanian recipe for shiny healthy STRAIGHT hair without the burn!

Here’s your Step x Step Guide

Straight hair without Heat Tutorial
1. Start with Wet Hair. Water is the (not so) secret sauce to this method. You can add a bit of hair serum or some hair oils/ smoothing creams to calm down frizz.
Here are some favorites: KMS  Tame Frizz Soothing Lotion , Ouai Hair Oil , Carol’s Daughter Hair Milk,  The Innate Life Rose Hair Elixir

Straight hair without Heat Tutorial
2. Create a side part and act as if you’re almost going to give yourself bangs.

3. Section off another part of your hair directly in back of that “bang section” This is the piece that we are going to put in our roller.

4. Smooth the hair taught onto the roller and secure with large bobby pins. The longer your hair the bigger the roller is always my rule of thumb.

5. Take another section of hair right below your first roller and do the same.

6. Now take that bang piece we had sectioned off initially and with a hard boar bristled brush begin smoothing it over, like a combover. Make sure the hair is free of bumps and very smooth. This part is very crucial to achieve the desired straight hair. Spray hair with water as needed to ensure a smooth finish.

7. Continue to wrap hair all the way around your head and secure that hair with large bobby pins. You can sleep with this overnight to make sure your hair is fully dry and when you wake up, simply take out all of the bobby pins and rollers and comb out your hair. You’ll be amazed at how straight your hair is.

Straight hair without Heat Tutorial


These aren’t my exact ones but very (very) similar:
Bobby pins: http://amzn.to/2mlQMix
Hair Rollers http://amzn.to/2n1QekY
Brush http://amzn.to/2motE4v

*Note: In the video the bottle that I’m spraying my hair with is just water in a recycled bottle.

Let me know how it works for you!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Hi Amy! I’m a blogger from Panama 🙂 I’m curious, are you Panamanian too? :O I’d love to meet you one day! I’m a huge fan of your blog and YouTube <3

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